Featured Projects

Franka Plays Whack a Mole
Python ROS2 MoveIt2 OpenCV
Franka Plays Whack a Mole
ROS2 Package to make the 7-DOF Franka Robot play Whack-a-Mole using MoveIt2 and OpenCV.
Feedback Control of Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulator
Python Kinematics CoppeliaSim Trajectory Generation Motion Planning
Feedback Control of Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulator
Controlling a KUKA YouBot to pick and place a cube in CoppeliaSim
Collaborative Mapping using a Quadrotor and Quadruped
C++ ROS2 Mapping Localization
Collaborative Mapping using a Quadrotor and Quadruped
Building Occupancy Grids using RGBD odometry and 3D point clouds in a Multi-Robot setup

Other Projects

Quadrotor Control and Trajectory Generation
MATLAB Trajectory Generation Control
Quadrotor Control and Trajectory Generation
Generating a minimum snap trajectory and implementing PD control on a quadrotor
Multibody Dynamics Simulation
Python Dynamics Lagrangian Mechanics
Multibody Dynamics Simulation
Simulating the physics of a jack bouncing around in a box
Image Denoising using CNN
Python Deep Learning MNIST
Image Denoising using CNN
Implementation of an image-denoising autoencoder model on the MNIST dataset
Rapidly Exploring Random Trees
Python Path Planning RRT
Rapidly Exploring Random Trees
Implementation of the RRT Path Finding Algorithm
Maze Solving using Wavefront Algorithm
Python Path Planning BFS
Maze Solving using Wavefront Algorithm
Implementation of the Wavefront Path Finding Algorithm
ESP32 Navigation Device
C++ ESP32 Microcontrollers
ESP32 Navigation Device
ESP32 based Visual Navigation device using Bluetooth Communication and Frequency Detection