Maze Solving using Wavefront Algorithm

Pushkar Dave | Dec 7, 2024

Demo Videos

As a part of the NU MSR hackathon, we completed a Maze Solving challenge. This challenge was done in a team comprising of Joe Blom, Grayson Snyder, Catherine Maglione, and Pushkar Dave

Maze Description

We worked with M x N rectangular grids (mazes). The robot could move North, South, East, or West. No diagonal movement was allowed.

Maze Generation Algorithm

Initially, we tested our algorithms on manually defined mazes, but then we were able to implement the Randomized Prim’s Algorithm

Randomised Prim’s Algorithm

Our implementation of the Prim’s Algorithm assumes a cell is either free or blocked. The algorithm can then generate a maze without any loops or inaccessible areas.

Algorithm Pseudo Code:

All cells are walls.
Randomly choose a cell Q and mark it as free.
Add cell Q's neighbors to the wall list.
While the wall list is not empty:
    Randomly choose a wall W from the wall list
    If wall W is adjacent to exactly one free cell
       Let F be the free cell that wall W is adjacent to
       W is to a direction DIR (either North, South, East, or West) of F.
       Let A be the cell to the direction DIR of W
       Make W free
       Make A free
       Add the walls of A to the wall list
    Remove W from the wall list

Maze Solvers

We implemented two different maze solving algorithms

Wavefront Planner

  • Breadth-first search approach
  • Start at the goal
  • Advance one square in every direction and mark with a 1.
  • From each 1, advance to every open square and mark with a 2
  • From each
  • square advance to every open square and mark with an
  • Stop when there are no more squares to explore
  • From any starting point, move to the adjacent cell with the lowest number
  • Stop at the goal
  • This finds the shortest path to a given goal from every starting point, but it requires full knowledge of the maze

Recursive Back Tracking

  • Depth-first search approach
  • Start at the start
  • For each neighboring cell, find a path to the goal
  • When finding a path to the goal:
    • If you are at the goal, return true, you are done
    • If you are at a wall, return false, this is not the path
    • Otherwise find a path from each neighboring cell
  • Mark each cell when exploring it as part of the path
  • Unmark each cell when you’ve searched all its neighbors without finding the goal
  • Does not find the shortest path, but it will find a path if it exists
  • Does not require full knowledge of the maze (because exploration starts at the start, the robot could physically follow each step in the search).


More detail about this challenge can be found on the NU MSR website: